Click each feature below to see GolfSnap in action.

More Fun, Less Hassle
Start a round in seconds
Just press Play and GolfSnap will guide you through a few simple screens to set up your round.
Play your favorite golf courses
Nearby clubs are shown automatically based on your location.
Connect with friends
Add your friends to a round so they can follow the action.
Level the playing field
Compete fairly with players of all skill levels. Enter handicap indexes, customize tees and let GolfSnap calculate the strokes allocated to every player.
Enjoy your favorite golf games
GolfSnap includes dozens of game variations. Play games with your foursome, add side bets or set up a competition with multiple groups.

Live Scoring & Leaderboard
Enter scores quickly
Use the keypad to quickly move between players and enter scores.
Update games with ease
Convenient in-game controls make it easy to modify bets, press your opponent or record accomplishments.
Watch the leaderboard
Follow the action in real time by switching to the shared leaderboard. See the results of every game being played and how much you're winning or losing.
View the scorecard
Drill into the hole-by-hole results by viewing the scorecard.
Share your round
Let your buddies watch your round so they can cheer you on.

More Features You'll Love
View your scoring trends
GolfSnap tracks every round you play and displays a graph of how your game is trending over time.
Monitor your statistics
Are you improving? Easily track your stats including scoring averages, fairways hit/missed, greens in regulation, putting, sand saves and scrambling.
Track your total winnings
Have you ever wondered how much money you've won or lost gambling on the course? Just select Performance from the main menu to see a graphical view of your winnings.
Hold blind draw competitions
GolfSnap makes it easy to mix and match players from any group into custom pairings. Form your own teams manually or let the app automatically assign random pairings for you.
View your entire round history
All of your rounds are stored securely in the cloud, giving you quick access to every round you've played.