
Wolf is a dynamic game where players compete individually or as partners to obtain the lowest score on a hole and win points. The value for each point is specified during game setup and can be adjusted during the round (including presses). The "Wolf" for each hole is decided by rotating through the teeing order, which is defined when the game is created. When a player is the Wolf for a hole, the WOLF button will be highlighted below their name and they decide which players are competing against one another.

The Wolf must be the first or last player to tee off on any given hole. This is a personal preference your group must decide on up front. The Wolf has the following options on each hole:

  • Before anyone tees off, the Wolf can declare that they wish to play the hole alone against the other players in the group. This is known as "Blind Wolf" and is recorded by turning on the BLIND button.
  • The Wolf can watch each player's shot and decide if they want them as a partner. However, they must make this decision before the next player tees off. The Wolf's partner is indicated by turning on a player's PARTNER button.
  • If the Wolf watches all the tee shots and decides to not take on a partner, then they are going "Lone Wolf" and playing as an individual against the other players. In this situation, only the WOLF button will be highlighted.

Points are awarded as follows:

  • If the Wolf selects a partner and the Wolf or partner has the lowest score on the hole, then the Wolf and partner each receive one point for every other player in the group. If the Wolf and partner lose the hole, they give one point to every other player.
  • If the Wolf is playing as "Lone Wolf" and wins the hole, they receive two points from every other player in the group. If the Wolf loses, they give two points to every other player.
  • If the Wolf is playing as "Blind Wolf" and wins the hole, they receive three points from every other player. If the Wolf loses, they give three points to every other player.
  • Finally, you can increase the stakes by selecting the option to double bets with net or gross birdies. The points mentioned above will be doubled if one of these options applies.